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The Web of Exchange

Welcome to The Web of Exchange, the first Charles Williams WWW page.

Because there is extremely little anywhere on the Internet about this writer, we encourage you to please send contributions so that this page may become more interesting, more useful, and, well, more Williamsian .

Our goal for this page is for it to become not only a place for casual readers of Charles Williams' works to swap info and exchange insights, but also a clearinghouse, coffeehouse and pub for more in-depth study.

If you're interested in subscribing to the Charles Williams mailing list, well, you are in luck! You can subscribe by sending e-mail to coinherence-l-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

For more general book discussions, you can try the Books discussion forum

If you have any suggestions, questions, or comments on the page e-mail me Here.

Our sincere thanks goes to Pat Peterson, and everyone who has given us encouragement through letters and also to those who visit these pages!

This page is maintained by Dave Davis, Colin Davis, Steve Hayes and Donna Beales.
This page has been on the web (on various hosts) since September, 1995

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Announce meetings of Charles Williams societies, or other meetings where CW and his works will be discussed. Anounce new publications, reprints of books etc. Announce current discussion topics on the Coinherence mailing list, or anything else that you think might appeal to Williams fans.

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Maintained by Steve Hayes
Started: September 1995
Updated: 20 October 2003