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Charles Williams and Inklings links


  1. Announcements and guest book
  2. Discussion links
  3. Members of the Coinherence mailing list
  4. Inklings and general literary links
  5. Williams links

Discussion links

Charles Williams has never been as popular as the other Inklings. His books have often been out of print, and yet he has always had a following of dedicated enthusiasts who hunt for his books in secondhand book shops, and try find extra copies to lend and recommend to friends. So Charles Williams fans often want to discuss his works with other likeminded people. Here are some places where one can do this electronically (if you know of any face-to-face discussion groups, please tell others about them in the announcements section).

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Inklings and general literary links

The Inklings were not a literary school with a common aim or outlook; they were a group of friends who read their work to each other and chatted about literary topics. But those who like the work of one of the Inklings usually like that of some of the others. If the authors found one anothers company congenial, it's quite possible that their readers will too. There are many sites related to the Inklings, and I have not tried to provide links to all of them here, but rather pointed to sites that have lists of links to others. You can also try the Webrings at the bottom of the page.

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Williams links

Here are some other web sites that deal specifically with the life and work of Charles Williams. The list is not exhaustive, but if you go to some of the sites listed, you will find links to others.

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Members of the Coinherence mailing list

The Coinherence mailing list is for discussing the works of Charles Williams and related topics. The Moderator is Dave Davis. Members of the list who filled in the Who's who form and returned it to Steve Hayes are listed below. If you click on their names, you will be linked to their web site (if any) or their e-mail address. If they have a web site, their e-mail address is listed at the end of the entry - click on the "E-mail me" link.

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Message board and guest book

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Web of Exchange Corkboard

Use the corkboard for announcements of events and activities, and news.
Announce meetings of Charles Williams societies, or other meetings where CW and his works will be discussed. Anounce new publications, reprints of books etc. Announce current discussion topics on the Coinherence mailing list, or anything else that you think might appeal to Williams fans.

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Maintained by Steve Hayes
Started: 17 December 2000
Updated: 17 March 2004