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Charles Williams and Inklings links
- Announcements and guest book
- Discussion links
- Members of the Coinherence mailing list
- Inklings and general literary links
- Williams links
Charles Williams has never been as popular as the other Inklings. His books have often been out of print, and yet he has always had a following of dedicated enthusiasts who hunt for his books in secondhand book shops, and try find extra copies to lend and recommend to friends. So Charles Williams fans often want to discuss his works with other likeminded people. Here are some places where one can do this electronically (if you know of any face-to-face discussion groups, please tell others about them in the announcements section).
- The Coinherence mailing list - an e-mail mailing list for discussing the works of Charles Williams, though the other Inklings are not off topic (we recently had a read through C.S. Lewis's Till we have faces). There is usually a chapter-by-chapter discussion of one of Williams's books. You can see a list of some of the regular participants.
- The alt.books.inklings newsgroup - a general Inklings discussion forum on Usenet. There are a couple of specialised newsgroups for Lewis and Tolkien, but this one, at least, is a place to chat about Williams. Since newsgroups are open to anyone, it's also a place where one can make contact with new people who might not have found the regular discussion forums.
- The Books conference - a more general literary discusion forum, especially for discussing Christianity and literature, and Williams fans are welcome. It's a BBS conference but is also gated to e-mail mailing lists and newsgroups, so there are different methods of access to it.
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The Inklings were not a literary school with a common aim or outlook; they were a group of friends who read their work to each other and chatted about literary topics. But those who like the work of one of the Inklings usually like that of some of the others. If the authors found one anothers company congenial, it's quite possible that their readers will too. There are many sites related to the Inklings, and I have not tried to provide links to all of them here, but rather pointed to sites that have lists of links to others. You can also try the Webrings at the bottom of the page.
- The Mythopoeic Society - a non-profit
international literary and educational organization for the study, discussion,
and enjoyment of fantasy and mythic literature, especially the works of
J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Charles Williams. Members of the
Mythopoeic Society include scholars, writers, and readers of mythic and
fantasy literature. The Society sponsors an annual Mythopoeic Conference
(Mythcon), Discussion and Special Interest Groups, the Mythopoeic
Awards, and three periodical publications.
- The Inklings site list - A collection of online resources on
C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, Charles Williams and other members of 'The Inklings'
- Literary links - Links to web pages about literature compiled by Steve Hayes (the webmaster of the Web of Exchange).
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Here are some other web sites that deal specifically with the life and work of Charles Williams. The list is not exhaustive, but if you go to some of the sites listed, you will find links to others.
- The Charles Williams Society - The Society meets three times a year, and publishes a quarterly newsletter, which normally includes
the papers delivered at the meetings. It also occasionally has short residential conferences. It maintains a lending and reference
- The nature of the City - Visions of the Kingdom and its Saints in Charles Williams's All Hallows' Eve, by Angelee Sailer Anderson.
- Evil's ultimate impotence - the triumph of good in Charles Williams's writings by Elodie Ballantine Emig
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The Coinherence mailing list is for discussing the works of Charles Williams and related topics. The Moderator is Dave Davis. Members of the list who filled in the Who's who form and returned it to Steve Hayes are listed below. If you click on their names, you will be linked to their web site (if any) or their e-mail address. If they have a web site, their e-mail address is listed at the end of the entry - click on the "E-mail me" link.
- Ann Ahnemann -
Almost 5 feet, 110 pounds. Undergrad work at Earlham College where I studied
Philosophy with the great D. Elton Trueblood. Institut Britannique and Sorbonne,
Paris, France. Universite in Neuchatel, Switzerland and Tours, France. I taught
French for 33 years. I write a bit. I have attended Quaker silent meeting in
Indiana, Catholic Mass in France, The Unitarian Church in New Jersey, but was
raised a Methodist. I'm looking for a church home.
- Gavin Ashenden -
Self-description is usually 'inaccurate' but the facts are been an ininerant
musician, trained as a lawyer, became a Christian, then a parish priest - ten
years - worked in the University nine years - inhabit the margins where I meet
many fellow travellers; kept well by singing, thinking and writing - and the
love of my wife
- Eli Bishop -
I'm a nurse, compulsive reader and occasional artist. I came to Christianity
through the Society of Friends and the writing of C.S. Lewis. Williams was a
late and joyful discovery. E-mail me
- Sharon L. Bolding -
I divide my time between a high tech career and the pursuit of the middle ages.
I have a PhD in medieval French linguistics and literature. I first encountered
CS Lewis through his academic writings on medieval literature, without the
slightest knowledge of any of his Christian or fiction writing. I am drawn to
Williams because of the mysticism in his world view. I read a lot of science
fiction and fantastic literature. I prefer my French men to be dead for at least
600-800 years before I find them interesting. E-mail me
- Suzanne Bray -
"a typical, middle-aged, frizzy-haired, slightly overweight, eccentric academic"
to quote a friend of mine
- Baya Clare, CSJ -
I am a Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet. We are a Roman Catholic women's
religious community. I am an artist and writer.
- Gerry Carroll -
I am 45 years of age and I was born in Dublin, Ireland. After studying English
at the college James Joyce went to, I taught for two years in Nigeria, and have
since worked for the civil service, first in Ireland then for a local council in
England. I have always loved Narnia and I discovered the rest of Lewis in recent
years. That is how I became interested in CW. I like reading anything,
especially modern fantasy and speculative writing, fiction and non-fiction
- Joe R. Christopher -
- Anne Claveirole -
I am quiet and reflective. I enjoy academic work but I also like spending time
with people. I LOVE nature: the hills of Scotland, animals, plants
- Dave Davis -
6'3", 14 stone; steel-gray hair and dark coffee-colored eyes. "By temperment and
training, I am a Vulcan." I like to home-brew, since, like all hobbits, I am
inordinately fond of ale. Literarily, I am a long-term student of the Inklings,
of Mark Twain, of Shakespeare, and of the Biblical texts. I will happily read
anyone who is good, and in whose work I can find a point of interest.
Professionally, I am interested in library management, in library technology,
and in copyright - inasmuch as these things are necessary to provide
- Ryan Gabbard -
I am an 18 year old CS/Math student at the University of Kentucky. I discovered
Tolkien in high school, and the rest of the Inklings through him. I have only
recently begun to read Charles Williams, but I like him very much so far. E-mail me
- Gary Gooch -
I'm a retired Episcopal Priest working half time with a cluster of 8 small
churches and driving about 40,000 miles a year while doing so. Former lives:
Farm boy, son of a sharecropper; Chemical Engineer (process development, then
heat transfer); Air Force Weather Officer and forecaster.
- Martin Haggerty -
- Beryl Wells Hamilton -
We have recently moved from Minneapolis to twenty acres in Wisconsin, so our big
decisions now revolve around things like what kind of sheep to buy and how to
keep the chickens warm at night. Our place here is already becoming a refuge for
the "city-weary." I make Celtic artwork inspired mostly by the Book of Kells and
the Lindisfarne Gospels.
- Steve Hayes -
I'm an Orthodox Christian and a freelance editor writer and researcher. My
hobbies are family history, BBSing and reading. I like reading history and
theology, and in fiction I like fantasy, especially the work of C.S. Lewis,
Tolkien and Charles Williams; also Beat Generation writers like Jack Kerouac.
I'm interested in the relation between religion, ideology, culture and language,
and enjoy discussions of language usage and cultural differences between people.
I keep a database of African Independent Churches, and am interested in the
application of computers to missiological research. E-mail me
- Leslie Howard -
Brought up in the Churches of Christ (known in the USA as the Disciples of
Christ), at 14 I was lucky enough to find Transposition and Mere christianity in
the brotherhood bookshop. From there I sought out more Lewis, and then via That
Hideous strength to Williams. An English teacher introduced us to the new Sayers
Dante. The first of Williams for me was Witchcraft in a public library, then at
university doing Arts in psychology and economics, I found the library had most
of his works. The Anglican bookshop sold me all his novels, Figure of Beatice
and He came down from heaven with Forgiveness of sins, and the university
bookshop chased others for me, including Religion and love in Dante... One of
the first books I catalogued as a librarian was Hadfield's first biography. I
have pursued most of the works, and criticism, eventually making contact with
Alice Mary Hadfield after writing for permission to photocopy her biog and
subsequently joining the Charles Williams Society in 1981...
- Victor E. Hill IV -
My mathematical work is in history of mathematics and in the group theory of
change-ringing. I'm also a free-lance harpsichordist and organist, on the Board
and the Editorial Board of the Association of Anglican Musicians. Although I am
interested in relations between mathematics and music, I do not correspond on
this topic (presentations are described on my web pages). I regularly teach a
course on the fiction of C. S. Lewis and Charles Williams. I'm also a fan of
Jane Austen, Agatha Christie, Jane Langton, and Dorothy L. Sayers, among others.
E-mail me
- Stewart Lollar -
Born & raised in Presbyterian Church at Columbus, Mississippi. Avid reader on
discovering SF at age 7; discovered Tolkien Jan 1969, in summer '69 introduced
to Lewis and Williams by Dr Clyde S. Kilby after mowing his lawn and being
invited into his "hobbit-hole" for lemonade. Discovered classical music looking
for music to read LOTR by (Best Fit: "The Emperor Waltz" by Johann Strauss Jr.)
In college changed from ROTC cadet to "hippie from Mississippi", 1st exposure to
rock genre that has endured, behight "Classically-based, Jazz-oriented, British,
Meaning-Of_Life Rock & Roll" (i.e., YES, Moody Blues, Emerson, Lake, & Palmer,
The Pink Floyd, Procol Harum, etc.). Fell in Love by mail, moved to Denver, Co.,
began following a Guru, learned a little Fortran in lunch hours on part of early
Darpanet, all 1975. Many jobs & two moves later we found ourselves working for
University of Florida in Gainesville. After a decade in Biomedical Photography,
I shifted to Lab Tech in Ophthalmology,
- Jeanne Lynch -
As varied as my interests are, they are interrelated. Moving between the loom
and the piano, stepping away form the tiller toward the paintbrush are smooth
transitions. I guess I'm describing my sense of interconnectedness here. I've
always been a keen observer of nature, and I draw much spiritual strength from
her limitless creation. I first found CW almost 20 years when I came across
Taliessin through Logres et al. My interest was rekindled at a Lenten program in
which All Hallow's Eve was studied. I haven't participated in many discussions
with the group, but I faithfully read all postings and keep up as best I can. I
am always blown away by the depth and breadth of your collective knowledge.
- Olga Markova -
I love academic work and enjoy studying and translating European literature
- Garland "Chico" Martin -
E-mail me
- Donovan Mattole -
I live in Silverton, Oregon. I was introduced to Williams as an undergraduate
student at Wheaton College. I've worked for Borders Books & Music since 1994. E-mail me
- Jim Miller -
6'2", lean, bearded, glasses, Br eyes, dk hair beginning to go gray, often too
serious with an inappropriate sense of humor, athletic. Musical taste runs from
Gordon Lightfoot to Patti Smith. Classical taste tends to center on J.S. Bach
and Leonard Bernstein. "Christian" music taste runs from Kelly Willard to Mark
Heard with special emphasis on Bruce Cockburn, Daniel Amos, Charlie Peacock &
the Call. Favorite artists include Michaelangelo, El Greco, Velasquez, Goya,
Dali, Van Gogh, Escher & deChirico.
- Wesley Miller -
E-mail me
- Michael Parmenter -
- Robert W. Peckham -
I wrote my Doctoral dissertation on the Novels of Charles Williams; I suppose it
is still available in microfilm (University Microfils although I think they have
changed the name. Also love the Inklings & specialized in Modern British Lit.
- Curtis Maxwell Perrin -
Doctoral canidate in English at Yale University.
- Paul S. Price -
Long time interest in Lewis, Tolkien, and Williams. Active in local church.
Fascinated with the interrelationships between belief, culture, technology, risk
tolerance, and behavior. Currently developing software models of how individuals
interact with pesticides and chemicals in the environment and from use of
consumer products. Personally finding that growing old is an interesting,
terrifying, and joy-filled process.
- Frank Palmer Purcell -
Of all the Inklings, it is CW I feel closest to, perhaps because of his esoteric
side -- I had strong esoteric interests when younger. I was trained in
philosophy, taught school for many years (high school equivalency to troubled
youth) and escaped to the thirteenth floor of a Wall Street bank. I studied the
journal method with Ira Progoff and do a good bit of writing with a personal
focus on intellectual and spiritual matters, as well as some poetry. After long
reflection I petitioned for and received a transfer from the Roman Catholic
Church to the Russian, which follows the customs and traditions of Orthodoxy in
union with the See of Rome. (I understand and respect, but do not share, the
scruples of those Orthodox who believe us to be in a false position.) E-mail me
- Eric Rauscher -
- Angelika Schneider -
met up with CW in college, via CSL. Wrote a PhD thesis on the language of TTL.
The coinherence list is the only place I ever get a chance of conversation about
CW and related topics, which is a joy. There has never been an even passable
translation of any of the novels into German, so interest even in the German
Inklings Society is not widespread.
- Darren L. Slider -
5-9, 160 lb, blond, glasses; analytic, partly mystical
- Chris Steffy -
I've read all CW's novels, about two-thirds of the plays, most of the theology,
and all the criticism and biographies I've been able to get my hands on, would
love to see a CW-strong Mythcon or at least a Coinherence FTF get-together there
- Marianne Stiles -
I devoured fantasy/sci-fi books when I was younger and always found myself
wishing the heros & heroines were moral or fighting for the Great Good and God
instead of just for themselves or their lovers. Although I spent some time as a
geology major I have my degree in Creative Writing. I was an exchange student in
Malta and so have done a bit of traveling, mostly in Europe. I am not quite sure
how I came across The Place Of The Lion, about a year ago, but I was intrigued
and fascinated by it. Other favorites include Tolkien, Lewis, MacDonald, David
Brin, Gene Stratton Porter, etc. I feel really blessed to be able to enjoy the
beauty that surrounds us. I live in a house with my cat and dog in sight of the
Puget Sound.
- Richard Lyman Sturch -
6'2", mostly bald. Secretary of Charles Williams Society. Member of Tolkien
Society and rather a lot of other organizations (e.g. British Society for the
Philosophy of Religion, Christian Socialist Movement,, Sir Arthur Sullivan
Society, Monarchist League, Intercontinental Church Society!). At one time
taught at the University of Nigeria and the London Bible College (that should
perhaps be "at two times").
- Sherry Thompson -
I’m five feet three inches tall, and ‘plump’. I have dark brown hair, hazel eyes
and a cane. I wasn’t born with the cane. I love to cook (hence the ‘plump’) and
I love spoiling my cat, plus the local birds and squirrels. I think myself
‘unconventional’ but my friends call me weird. (Yes, to my face.) E-mail me
- Jim Tolbert -
- Robert Trexler -
Graduated from Gordon College (an Evangelical liberal arts school north of
Boston) with a BA in philosophy. Was influenced by courses taken with Thomas
Howard who taught there at that time, from whom I was introduced to Lewis,
MacDonald, Williams, etc. After college owned/managed a Logos Bookstore for 11
years, then lauched into the "real world" in software sales. Changed from
Epsicopal to RC 3 years ago. Currently enjoy editing "CSL: The Bulletin of the
New York C.S. Lewis Society". This is a monthly publication and I'm always
interested in articles (hint, hint) for which we pay nothing, but the prestige
makes up for it. I've been reading the learned contributions of others on
coinherence for a couple years, but rarely have anything to contribute myself.
- Valaree Weiss -
I love reading, and meeting interesting people. I like to laugh and I pray that
the desire to learn and seek and search will always be with me. Gardening
relaxes me, and I love to watch things grow. But I can also become hermit like,
and I'm not afraid to be alone, I get to read that way!
- Christopher Brennan Wright -
Anarcho-Christian, Protestant with some (*some*) tendencies towards mysticism E-mail me
- Tony Zbaraschuk -
Special Collections Librarian & Archivist E-mail: tzbarasc@lasierra.edu La
Sierra University Et vocavit Deus, "Fiat lux!" E-mail me
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Maintained by Steve Hayes
Started: 17 December 2000
Updated: 17 March 2004